A Note: Choose Pace Over Pressure

Erah Society Journal

Money, Nourishment & Gene Key 63

I think it's absolutely chaotic that we're collectively pressured to be in constant chase of being more, learning more, acquiring more, instead of slowing down, getting still, and uncovering the vastness that's already inside of us.

No wonder we're all burnt out or trying to recover from burn out, we aren't living life in alignment with our evolutionary status.

Did you know that we have mutated into Uranian beings but are still collectively living as Saturnian beings? Pressured to accomplish everything by 30, when in fact our human evolution has granted us with an extra 50+ years to play, learn and be with life.

This is the why we can be surrounded but feel so "empty" inside. Why we feel not enough. So scared that our way won't work.

We haven't been given adequate time, space & guidance to explore this new way of being and all the possibilities of who we are and what we possess inside.

So what do we do about it?

We learn to walk side by side with life- our own life. To connect with fun, expansive & beautiful ways or teachings that support us in doing that. Then we leave what we’ve uncovered behind for the next person to find.

I'm tired of trying to internally or externally "catch up". I'm not late, never have been, never will be and neither are you.



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