Deconditioning Diaries

Returning to Yourself

Presenting, Deconditioning Diaries.

A community database filled with direct, hard-hitting, EMBODIED wisdom from seekers & founders living their Human Design experiment fully.

Firstly, What is deconditioning in Human Design?

Deconditioning is a term coined by Ra Uru Hu, the founder & messenger of the Human Design system. If you’re familiar with Human Design, you will most likely have heard this term. However, if you’re new to this space, the origins of ‘deconditioning’ began with Ra’s realization that before adults could fully take in the gifts that Human Design had to offer, they had to decondition- the process of sloughing off the false layers of who they thought they were raised to be.

This deconditioning process is said to move in 7-year increments and during each 7-year cycle, we emerge, more in tune, connected & restored to the person we were always designed to be. It can be a lonely journey, but it doesn’t have to be.

The Inspiration behind Deconditioning Diaries

Some time ago, my sister called me wanting to know more about the Human Design Soul Map we created for her more than 2 years ago. She was finally ready to begin her experiment & eagerly wanted a grounded starting point. Human Design is interesting in that way. It lures you in and excites you with rabbit holes filled with knowledge and quick wins but when you’re ready to change your life, to actually live your design, that choice can only bubble up from deep within.

A half-hour later & pages filled with her vigorous note-taking, I had this feeling she couldn’t be the only one yearning to begin their experiment but without supportive encouragement & a practical starting point, it’s difficult to wholeheartedly walk this path.

After a few creative conversations with Alex, Deconditioning Diaries emerged.

There is only so much a Human Design reader, analyst, teacher, guide, or practitioner can tell you about yourself before you have to leave the realm of endless knowledge and enter the space of innate knowing. This is true wisdom and one of the wisest things I’ve been taught is that if someone else has gone before you, give thanks & heed their (deconditioned) advice.

Submit Your Entry

Here is how Deconditioning Diaries works.

If you are someone who has been deeply committed to learning, living, and experimenting with your Human Design, we invite you to share your hard-won insights, wisdom & secrets by submitting an entry below.

Your entry can be witty, serious, short, or long, there is no wrong way. We only ask that you share the parts of your design you feel you’ve honestly experimented with and are carrying embodied insights others can learn from. Deconditioning Diaries will live as a resource for all seekers & founders here in the Journal. Skip over the parts of your design you haven’t yet begun to experiment with then come back for encouragement & inspiration when the Diary is officially released to the public.

Are you a Projector who has grasped the meaning of a true invitation?
Or a 4th line who realized the worth of their network?
Or an Undefined Solar Plexus who’s learned how to intentionally navigate conflict?

There’s a page waiting for you inside of the Deconditioning Diary.


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A Note: Choose Pace Over Pressure